Incoming St. John Republican Board 2020-2024 – from left to right. Nicholas James, Allan Reynaud, Steven Fraker, and Remy Amedee.

At the August 6th 2020 Oath of Office meeting, the incoming 2020-2024 St. John Republicans took their Oaths of Office. The swearing ceremony was conducted by D.A. Bridget Dinvaut.

Elections for officers were then held. The new officers for the 2020-2024 term are:

Nicholas James – Chair
Allen Reynaud – Vice Chair
Steven Fraker – Treasurer
Remy Amedee – Secretary

The new Chair then appointed Steven Fraker as the Republican Designee for the St John Board of Election Supervisors.

Congratulations to all the newly elected Republicans and Officers.

The new board would also like to thank all of the outgoing officers and volunteers who worked so hard for the past four years.

Nick – Chair



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